What are your energy words?

In my previous blog I described the important connections between feeling, thinking, and doing in our lives.

In this blog we will dive a little deeper into Step 1: Feeling.

Do you feel very clearly that there is something that you need to do in this life and on this earth?
That there is a reason for you to live this life?

Let’s try to find the words to describe this feeling by answering the following questions:

  • What makes you happy?
  • What gives you energy?
  • Do you often do what makes you happy?
  • Do you know why you do what you do?
  • Does everything you do give you energy?

An important part of “feeling” is determining our “energy words”.

Energy words are words that express what you are good at and what you enjoy doing. Words that belong to you and give you direction. These words together form the basis for your soul’s mission. A mission that you can read to yourself time and time again. A mission that you carry close to you and that keeps you focused in difficult times.

To determine these words, you have to look deep inside of yourself. You have to figure out who you are. It can be difficult to distance yourself from people that believe they already have a good idea of who you are – or at least they think they do.
But the only one who really has anything to say about that is you!

I challenge you to write down your energy words; these words are the start of your soul’s mission.

Are you interested in finding out more about energy words and about clarifying your soul’s mission?
Download my e-book and participate in my webinar.


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Stand out as an online Lightworker

Stand out as an online Lightworker

In my previous blog I shared with you how I approach this time around the Corona virus in 5D. As Lightworkers, the world demands of us to use and share our creativity in this time. To rely on our talents and our soul’s mission to help other people. Even now that an...

Wil jij jouw zielsmissie vinden?

HALF jaar intensief aan de slag


Voor bewuste ondernemers die klaar zijn om vanuit een diep voelen, hun bedrijf stevig neer willen zetten. In dit intensieve halfjaar traject ga je aan de slag met jouw zielsmissie en leer je stap voor stap hoe je die zielsmissie compleet gaat embody-en. In je leven en je onderneming. Zodat jij werkt met jouw ideale klant, in overvloed, en dat jij in flow door het leven gaat.


De Roep van de Ziel

Erik nodigt je uit voor “De Roep van de Ziel”, een intieme avond op verschillende locaties in Nederland en België, waar hij inzichten deelt en praktische tips biedt om een leven van vrijheid en vervulling te omarmen, weg van beperkende gedachten en opgelegde patronen.

Kom en ontdek de diepere betekenis van het leven!