An important basic insight of the 5th dimension is responsibility. In the 5th dimension you are 100% responsible for your own life.
As a human being, you always have the option to choose, regardless of the situation, emotion or event. Do you see the arrow between the stimulus (the event) and the response (your response)? The arrow represents your option to make a choice.
ABut do we always take our responsibility? Do we always admit to ourselves that what we did or how we responded to a situation was actually our responsibility? Or do we sometimes attribute our actions and reactions to our environment or our circumstances?
For example, sometimes we have already given an answer before we realize it. Do you know that feeling at the moment that you are leaving a conversation and think “oh, that’s what I should have said!”
Such an answer is often the result of our emotion in the moment.
We are only human. Do we actually have a choice in this matter?
Yes, we certainly do!
Is it difficult to take a step back in the moment and think about our answer? Absolutely!
It will probably feel unnatural at first. Yet, it is vital if we really want to take responsibility for our lives and make the transition to the 5th dimension.
And what about the responsibility for how we live our lives? Are we also 100% responsible for this?
You probably already know the answer.
Of course, unexpected things happen in our lives and we are not responsible for things that happen to us. But we are responsible for how we subsequently deal with this.
Do you already take responsibility for your life? Do you currently really do what you feel you have to do in your life?