Last weekend I took a shower, like I do every day. After showering I went looking for my towel. After I found my towel, I made the shower completely dry – purely out of habit. The shower? Yes, the shower hose and the faucet – otherwise minerals will naturally build up and create white stains. When I caught myself doing this, I actually thought this was quite a shocking discovery! Because how typical is this? Always helping someone else (or something else) before we help ourselves. This is very characteristic of me. Do you recognize yourself in this? However, shouldn’t you be warm and dry first before you dry off the shower around you?

In our role as a coach, healer, or teacher, we are always busy helping others. Therein lies the danger that we sometimes, or actually quite often, forget to be the first to help ourselves.

After this shower event, I called a friend of mine and told her what I had just realized. She laughed and said she recognized this very much: in the past, she always had to dry her mother’s shower first before drying herself off. She told me that she has since decided that this is nonsense. Because only when you take good care of yourself can you take good care of others and your environment. In that order and not the other way around.

I have become increasingly aware of this. First and foremost, it is all about being able to take good care of myself. Not only by drying myself off first in the shower, but also when it comes to sleeping, healthy eating, drinking, exercising, meditating, and starting the day in a good way. But it is also about asking for help. About allowing yourself to work with a coach. I have been doing that myself for years. In recent years I have always had one or more coaches supporting me: business coaches, shamans, healers, nutrition coaches, mindfulness coaches. All types of coaches that ensure that I feel good about myself and that allow me to continue to live and do well in this day and age.

Ask yourself honestly: how often do you ask for help?


There are no upcoming events at this time.


Stand out as an online Lightworker

Stand out as an online Lightworker

In my previous blog I shared with you how I approach this time around the Corona virus in 5D. As Lightworkers, the world demands of us to use and share our creativity in this time. To rely on our talents and our soul’s mission to help other people. Even now that an...

Wil jij jouw zielsmissie vinden?

HALF jaar intensief aan de slag


Voor bewuste ondernemers die klaar zijn om vanuit een diep voelen, hun bedrijf stevig neer willen zetten. In dit intensieve halfjaar traject ga je aan de slag met jouw zielsmissie en leer je stap voor stap hoe je die zielsmissie compleet gaat embody-en. In je leven en je onderneming. Zodat jij werkt met jouw ideale klant, in overvloed, en dat jij in flow door het leven gaat.


De Roep van de Ziel

Erik nodigt je uit voor “De Roep van de Ziel”, een intieme avond op verschillende locaties in Nederland en België, waar hij inzichten deelt en praktische tips biedt om een leven van vrijheid en vervulling te omarmen, weg van beperkende gedachten en opgelegde patronen.

Kom en ontdek de diepere betekenis van het leven!