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Earnings Disclaimer
The information on this website is of an informative nature. We make no claims about how much you could earn. Neither are we presenting ways of getting rich.
Where sums of money are mentioned, they are figures which clients have shared with us about their results. We do not verify these results. Please do not assume that you will be able to generate the same income.
Where sums of money are mentioned, please do not assume that they represent average income. There is no such thing as average income. Testimonials by individuals may not be regarded as representing average income.
Success depends on multiple factors. We are not familiar with your education background, knowledge or experience or the time your are prepared to invest in order to achieve results.
There is no guarantee that you will earn money with the ideas presented in our materials. Examples may not be interpreted as being a promise or a guarantee. Many factors are important in determining whether results will be achieved, and which ones. There is no guarantee that you will achieve the same results as someone else.
You consent to us not sharing in your success. Equally, we are not responsible if something should go wrong because of your actions.
Results achieved in the past are no guarantee for the future.
If assertions are made about expectations about the future, they are not based on historic or current facts. Words such as ‘estimated’, ‘expected’, ‘plan’ or ‘believe’ are used, or words with a similar meaning. These are opinions and may not be construed as facts.
No guarantee of accuracy
Where applicable:
With regard to the prices mentioned on our website, we aim to give the most accurate representation of the reality and the intended prices. Any errors which occur and can clearly be seen to be programming or typing errors do not constitute a reason to allow claiming or assuming a contract or agreement with Boom Consult.
Boom Consult aims to keep the website as up-to-date as possible. If, despite these efforts, the information about, or the content of this website is either incomplete or inaccurate, we cannot be held liable.
The information and/or products on this website are offered without any form of guarantee and/or liability for accuracy. We reserve the right to amend, remove or post this material again without any prior notice. Boom Consult is not liable for any information on websites to which we refer by way of hyperlinks.
Should this disclaimer be amended, the most recent version of the erikverhagen.com disclaimer can be found on this page.
Torenallee 20 4.009
5617 BC Eindhoven
T. 040 – 24 05 655
E. support@erikverhagen.com
K.v.K. nummer: 68212577
IBAN NL13KNAB0723192774
Torenallee 20 4.009
5617 BC Eindhoven
T. 040 – 24 05 655
E. support@erikverhagen.com
K.v.K. nummer: 68212577
IBAN NL13KNAB0723192774