I used to be a sensitive little boy. I was good at sensing and reading people, and I still am. My father died when I was 13, and those gifts only became stronger.
However, they were also somewhat ignored in the many years since. I tended to run on my warrior energy, my masculine energy. I was, after all, the only ‘man’ at home. And my strongly developed side was really perseverance, daring and discipline. Fortunately, the balance has been slowly returning in recent years. Because I had the feeling that I wasn’t really happy. I had no peace of mind.
In recent years, I have become increasingly interested in meditation, Reiki, intuition, healings, detoxes and past lives.
I have tackled some of my own themes. And all that has provided me with a huge number of insights in the last few years! This enables me to tune in well to my clients. Which is great, since I feel that we are in a transition phase, in which lightworkers must be brought much more into the light, and I feel that I can and may contribute to that.
I’m lucky enough to still have the masculine energy, the business side: the man who has now been an entrepreneur for years. Who trains, coaches and advises companies. Who knows how entrepreneurs think and act. I am very happy to take a stand for all those who wish to grow spiritually, thanks to my ability to combine my intuitive and spiritual side with practical and proven methods. People who know me in this field say that I am the connector of heart with head. A great many spiritual entrepreneurs use their hearts. That’s a beautiful thing! However, they sometimes lose touch with their heads so that they no longer see, as entrepreneurs, which smart, strategic steps they could take.
I am strategic in this, I think carefully about smart marketing and earnings models and I build the whole in a structured way.
“I am very happy to take a stand for all those who wish to grow spiritually.”
“I am very happy to take a stand for all those who wish to grow spiritually.”
Zinkstraat 26,
4823AD Breda
T. 040 – 24 05 655
E. support@erikverhagen.com
K.v.K. nummer: 68212577
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